Refund Policy

Upon receipt and inspection of your return, assuming everything is in order, we will refund the value of the product (excluding any originally paid postage charges) to the original payment method used. Kindly allow a few days for the refunded amount to reflect in your account.

  • Late or Missing Refunds

If you have not received your refund within seven working days of returning your items, please contact us initially to confirm receipt of the returned items. If confirmed, and the refund has been processed, please contact your card issuing bank or company. Please note that it may take some time before the refunded amount is officially reflected in your account. If you still have not received your refund, please do not hesitate to contact us. Refund Policies

  • Cancellation Before Processing:

If you cancel your order before our warehouse team processes it, you are eligible for a full refund, including shipping charges. Please note that once processing begins, cancellation is not possible.
Returns for Refund:

Upon returning a product within the stipulated period, you will receive a refund for the product value, excluding shipping charges.

  • Resolution for Faulty Products:

In the event of receiving a faulty, broken, or expired product, we offer two resolutions:
Issuance of a discount code, inclusive of shipping costs for single-item orders.
Alternatively, if you decline the discount code, we proceed with a refund. No shipping charges are refundable in this case.

  • Damaged or Leaking Products:

If you receive damaged or leaking products, a full refund, including shipping charges, will be provided.

  • Missing Products:

If any products are missing from your order, you are entitled to a complete refund, excluding shipping costs.

  • Resolutions and Replacements:

We may offer discount codes as a swift resolution to complaints or provide replacements as per your preference.

  • Refund Process:

Refunds are processed back to the original payment method used for the order.
Double Charges or Unplaced Orders:

In cases of double charges or payments for unplaced orders, we refund the overcharged amounts, including delivery fees.

  • Customers Under 18:

Customers under 18 are not authorized to make orders. If orders are placed using a parent's card, the parents are responsible. No refunds are issued in such cases unless items are returned unopened and in resalable condition.

Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance regarding refunds, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Call Us: 07983952478


Refund Policy

Vape Zone Distribution supply genuine, high quality products sourced directly from the manufacturer. We prioritize your satisfaction and aim to facilitate hassle-free returns. Below are the conditions under which we cover the cost of return:

Faulty Product or Discrepancy: If you receive a product that is faulty or lacks described features, we'll cover the return costs. In such cases, please refrain from using the product.

Contract Termination Due to Circumstances Beyond Control: If circumstances beyond our control result in a delay in product delivery, or if we notify you of changes in the product, errors in pricing or description, or any issues on our end that prompt you to terminate the contract, we'll bear the return costs.

For Scenarios Not Covered Above, Including Changes of Mind, You Are Responsible for Covering Return Costs.

We strive to make your shopping experience seamless and satisfactory. If you have any questions or concerns regarding returns, feel free to contact us. Please send us an email detailing your request for a return, along with your initial order number and the reason behind wanting to return any particular items from your order. Upon receipt, we'll provide you with additional guidance on the process for returning your items (pending returns approval). Exchanges

Should you wish to exchange your item, the most efficient method is to place a new order for the desired items. Afterward, please email us for instructions on returning the unused items for a refund. This approach ensures you promptly receive the correct items, with the refund processed upon the return of the items to us.


  • 8 days exchange, from the date of purchase, for faulty products.
  • Product must have original packaging.
  • Product must not have been misused.

The Following Items are not Eligible For Return

E-Liquids, Batteries, Pods, Tanks, and Coils.